Wed, 14 Dec
CAD - 3D design in the DT and Computing Curriculum
Using Computer Aided/Assisted Design (CAD) in primary schools is often overlooked. This session will reveal how true 3D product design is achievable (and free!).
Time & Location
14 Dec 2022, 15:45 – 17:05
About the event
Using Computer Aided/Assisted Design (CAD) in primary schools is often overlooked. This session will reveal how true 3D product design is achievable (and free!) not just for the DT curriculum, but also to serve in background/ sprite design within Computing as well as helping to meet the requirement of pupils needing to be able to select and use a wide range of software for specific purposes. Using Sketchup Make 2017 (free for users within education) or the online version (Google log in required) this session will cover creating basic 3D models, annotating, adding colour and texture and cross sectional diagrams.
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086). Our volunteers provide fantastic events and training. To enable us to continue and extend our offer please consider providing a donation for this event. Alternatively, on the next page for this booking you will be able to request a £15 invoice to be sent to your school. Thank you.
If you are not providing a donation, please enter £0.00 in the ticket price.
Donation ticket
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086) Our volunteers provided fantastic events and training. To enable us to continue and extend our offer please consider providing a donation for this event. Alternatively, on the next page for this booking you will be able to request a £15 invoice to be sent to your school. Thank you.
Pay what you wantSale endedFree ticket
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086) Our volunteers provide fantastic events and training. Please consider making a donation to digit<all> on our website www.digitall.charity
£0.00Sale ended