Tue, 30 Jan
Coding for Climate Action Training Series - Session Four
An innovative curriculum unit for Year 5 and Year 7 students, focusing on exploring coding and computational thinking through the lens of climate action.
Time & Location
30 Jan 2024, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT
About the event
Primary - Pupils are introduced to the sensors on a micro:bit and how they can be employed to create automated Early Warning Systems, while also consolidating programming fundamentals such as input, output, repetition, and variables.
Secondary - In this session, we'll be coding together several solutions for earthquakes, droughts, and wildfires. We'll achieve this by coding two micro:bits to communicate with each other using the radio function.
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086). Our volunteers provided fantastic events and training. To enable us to continue and extend our offer please consider providing a donation for this event. Alternatively, on the next page for this booking you will be able to request a £15 invoice to be sent to your school. Thank you.
If you are not providing a donation, please enter £0.00 in the ticket price.
Free ticket
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086) Our volunteers provide fantastic events and training. Please consider making a donation to digit<all> on our website www.digitall.charity
£0.00Sale endedDonation ticket
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086) Our volunteers provided fantastic events and training. To enable us to continue and extend our offer please consider providing a donation for this event. Alternatively, on the next page for this booking you will be able to request a £15 invoice to be sent to your school. Thank you.
Pay what you wantSale ended