
Why digit<all>?
digit<all> is led by a team that has a track record of providing digital training and learning to teachers and young people across the UK training over 5000 primary and secondary teachers and across more than 2000 schools. This success was provided through a wide range of digital support, enrichment, and training for teachers.
Be Cyber-Safe Programme
Bespoke CPD sessions
Ages 8 - 11
This is an exciting opportunity for your school to be involved in a cyber-safe programme that will assist both staff and pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safer internet citizens. Our Be Cyber-Safe programme is trying to solve the problem of school community-wide mispractice of using digital devices whilst developing skills within the school community to be cyber aware to keep personal data safe.
You will receive 2 teacher CPD sessions, 1 governor and parent webinar and Q&A and 2 pupil workshops.
As a result of this increased use of mobile technology, the following cyber threats, specifically targeting schools are more likely to manifest:
These outside-in threats are largely successful due to the lack of knowledge and skills for internal stakeholders to identify and respond to a possible threat. This programme will ensure that all staff, students and parents can identify such attacks and take appropriate actions to mitigate them. In addition to cyber threats, the safety of children and teachers is the importance of responsible use of digital technology and for children to become informed digital citizens. This programme aims to mitigate such threats through a programme of engaging all stakeholders and help them understand the risks provided by a range of delivery methods including in-class workshops, information sessions and professional development.
Without this knowledge the following problems can manifest:
Phishing - where the attacker leads someone to a fake website that appears credible.
Pharming - where a legitimate website has been edited so it takes you to another source
Vishing - where an attempt is made to obtain personal or financial information
Ransomware - Malicious software that blocks access to a system, blocks it and demands a ransom payment
Denial of service - A website is overloaded by an attacker so it is unable to function
Spoofing - A malicious email is sent to try and extract personal or financial information
Brute force - Access to a service through automated mass password entries
Cyberbullying - this can occur through SMS, text or online social media forums.
Chat room friends - predators can enter chat rooms and groom their victims
Inappropriate content - children can unintentionally come into contact with unsolicited content
Sexting - sharing and receiving sexually explcit pictures, this is usually via mobile
Sextortion - occurs when someone threatens to distribute private or sensitive material
Oversharing - personal information that is shared by children and leads them open to attacks
Online predation - through a grooming process, trust is built with the victim by sharing common interests, leading to a potential face-to-face meeting.