Code Week 10 Year Anniversary Event
EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun and engaging way…
EU Code Week helps millions of people in Europe and beyond to learn, create, innovate and have fun with digital technologies.
Think of Code Week as a shared space between teachers, students, and people passionate about digital technologies and coding. Where people come for ideas, get creative, learn new skills, and share experiences.
On 14th October, kids will be taking part in a range coding challenge around the context of space! They will also be joined virtually by a group of children coding at the same time in Estonia.

Why digit<all>?
digit<all> is led by a team that has a track record of providing digital training and learning to teachers and young people across the UK training over 5000 primary and secondary teachers and across more than 2000 schools. This success was provided through a wide range of digital support, enrichment, and training for teachers.